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This is a paragraph! Here's how you make a link: Neocities.

Here's how you can make bold and italic text.

Here's how you can add an image:

1.SELECT * FROM `usuarios` WHERE fecha BETWEEN '1900-0-01' AND '1910-01-01'
2.Select nombre from cursos where horas >50;
3.select nombre, salario*12 as s.anual from profesores where comision is null;
4. select nombre from profesores where especialidad = 'Loqueesea' or 'loqueseatb' and salario >1100;
5. select nombre, (salario +comision)*12 as SalarioTotalAnual from Tabla;
7.select avg(salario) as "salario medio", count(*) as " numero de empleados" from profsores;
8.SELECT especialidad, max(salario) FROM profesores GROUP BY especialidad HAVING max(salario)<1150;
10.select nombre from profesores where especialidad ='%programa%' or especialidad='%loquesea%';

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